12.08.2022 12.08.2022Categories Customer photoRear Lower Quarter Window panel from carbon fiberAnother cool photos from our client. Toyota celica t23 with Rear Lower Quarter Window panel from carbon fiberThanks for the photos to Mateusz Bojsza
25.08.2022 25.08.2022Categories Customer photoCarbon fiber headlights and hood scoop BARS2FASTAnother cool photos from our client. Toyota celica t23 with our Carbon fiber headlights and hood scoop BARS2FASTThanks for the photos to Richard
14.11.2022 14.11.2022Categories Без рубрикиCarbon fiber doors for Toyota Celica t23We are starting the manufacturing of Carbon fiber doors for Toyota Celica t23 You can already pre-order. The first carbon doors will be in 12-16 weeks.https://carbon-microsystem.com/store/Doors-for-Toyota-Celica-T23-from-Carbon-Fiber-p509098451
12.10.2023 12.10.2023Categories New ProductCarbon fiber hatch handleCarbon fiber hatch handle for Toyota Celica t23